Friday 20 April 2007


I attended a meeting at Aith Hall da streen to hear Viking Energy address and public meeting along with reps. from SIC and our Charitable Trust.
There wiz a guid turnoot and a lively discussion. In fact at 9.45 da Chairman hid tae bring a close. Da discussion covered all areas fae da investment, return on same , share split of Viking Energy, how the vote on teh shares works to protect Shetland public money ,locations of windmills, numbers of windmills and dadifferent wyes o construction and whit hit meant fur d environment. We heard aboot jobs in construction phase and jobs left during operating as weel as opportunities fur local businesses. Also opportunitiesonce cable is installed. The
Da returns being quoted on SCT investment in Viking Energy are tremendous and could be convincing but I wid need tae tink hard aboot dis and have da calculations behind dis explained so I could understand this fully afore makin up my mind.
Dir are concerns aboot da visual impact fur fokk living near and dat wiz aired at da meeting.
I most say I wiz blyde to hear dat a decision by da Cooncil is 3 years awaa as dis is a tremendously important fur wir future and to makk da wrang wan wid be a travesty. So time to get to grips wi all aspects of a yes or no vote is important for all responsible elected members and the electorate. If elected this will receive my full attention and I will look for constituency views so I am informed when the time comes to vote .

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